Sunday, September 14, 2014

"Utter Gibberish"

In the cranks did the flippity doop.
In the cranks were the flarken and dinks.
Bipplebop went the flippity and flarken and dinks.
In so doing bibblebop, the flarken doinked the dinks
This spippered the flippity.
And the flippity dooped.
Gunkfilky was the ginklegek.
He doinked the dinks.
He zurped the flarken.
And wump did the ginklegek doop.
In the cranks were the spippered flippity
The zurped flarkens
The doinked dinks
And a gunkfilky ginklegek.
And all of them did doop.
But yish did the ginklegek doop?
The flippity flopped and pinked and mooped.
But the ginklegek narfed to doop.
Ippafacko turned the flippity.
Dickyfop were the dinks.
And wippitywappity were the flarken.
The ginklegek yicked fizzycacks as isshywink.
Nippywunks were they all.
And in the end.
All of them did doop.

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