Friday, September 12, 2014

"Predator in the Dark"

The predator is in the dark.
Sneaking, preying.
The predator is in the dark, choosing its mark.
The predator will find those with large hearts.
And it will strike.
Every night, every day, whenever it catches a whiff of its prey.
The predator's strikes will sometimes miss and seem not a big deal.
But it is persistent.
It will have its meal.
There are those the predator ignores or has no need to consume.
Those already overcome by sin and hatred play to this tune.
I am not myself a saint and have known sin
But a large heart lies within my chest
And the predator of the dark knows this the best
So some need not fear the dark or the beast that lurks inside
But those largehearted like myself have need to hide.
I put up my barrier and resolve
But one day, I fear, I may fall
For the predator is relentless and smart
It will find ways into my heart
And unless I can drive it out
With me, this world will be without
The predator does not take bites or small meals
Whole souls and heart and lives are what it steals.
Not just one, but many
The predator has had food aplenty.
And so the battle rages on
Between the predator and the fawn
The fawn must run forever more
Lest the predator become engorged
Should I fall, I must be ready to fight
For then
I face eternal night.

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