Friday, September 12, 2014

"A Little Girl and a Dog"

September 12, 2020. Hawaii. Strange happenings have been reported in a small village by the trees. Whenever I try to pronounce the name I fail, so let us refer to the town as "The small village by the trees." 
 recall reading the report on my ride over to Hawaii. The document seemed so unbelievable and outlandish that even I had a hard time believing it, and I have devoted my entire life to research of the paranormal, a widely discounted field of study.
Apparently a dog had gone missing. Nothing strange here. was what came after that concerned me.
The population of the small village by the trees had dropped by eighty percent in three days. Everyone was missing. 

Something about the letters  of the last sentence of the report made me feel ill and made my hackles rise.
Dog missing. Everyone missing. Little girl and dog. Little girl and dog. LITTLEGIRLANDDOG. 

He did not want to remember his  experience. But he had a report to write to some important people. They must be warned.
The village, as the report implied, was almost entirely deserted. A wild-eyed woman nearly bowled me over when I attempted to talk to her, pen and notepad in hand, about the disappearances. As she ran past me at what seemed to be mach-speed, she shouted various obscenities back at me for mentioning these disappearances. This was obviously peculiar behavior, but no one else was around to interview. I merely jotted down "Little girl and dog" in my notebook. 
Even writing of the events filled the man with a sense of unease. But if this went unspoken as it had so far, the world would never know. And this threat was a real one. This may indeed be paranormal, but the threat to every living thing on the planet was very real. And if the man had to vomit his guts out to write this report, he would. He would do it. He began typing again.
The village had a horrible, sickly aura to the place. It is merely indescribable unless one has experienced it. The deeper I got into the village, the more sick to my stomach I felt. It was as if the place was attempting to warn me; it was as if my very soul was retaliating in disgust. I felt more uncertain of myself with every step I took; I was not qualified for this. The man vomited on his keyboard and cursed. He unsuccessfully tried to clean his keyboard with his sleeve. But type he must, and type he did. He only needed to send out this one email.
...The village. My god, that village. It was beyond anything that I could even comprehend. What I am about to tell you now is true. It is true, I have fabricated some material in my career, but everyone must be warned. This must not be ignored--
The man shuddered and began to sweat. His right eye began twitching uncontrollably.
---Blood. Blood everywhere. What was a seemingly calm village from the outside, regardless of the sickly aura, had revealed to be something much, much more horrible. Writing this even now causes me great pain. I wish not to remember what I have seen. But the blood. I...I can't. There was just so much. Every house. Every inch of the ground in my field of view. Blood. Blood. BLOOD. There were body parts strewn around, intestines hanging from the limbs of rapidly rotting trees, and I speak true, the trees were rotting faster than I could and currently can believe--
His hands were shaking, and he realized that he was crying, now. The inside of his throat burned, he assumed from vomiting so much.
--and she charged at me, screaming. The woman I had seen earlier, the one with the wild eyes. She clawed at my face, tried to bite me, tried anything to see me dead. She was crying. Crying tears of blood. And she was smeared in her own, what I assumed, to be vomit. She shouted more gibberish and accused me of mentioning a little girl and a dog. At least that is what I think. Truthfully, I was just astonished that she seemed not to notice the scene of carnage behind me.
He wiped his eyes. It was getting difficult to see.
And then she was gone. More quickly than I can comprehend, I tell you truly, the woman was gone. She was dragged. Dragged by someone, or something, into the shade of a nearby tree. I was sprayed with her blood. Sounds more horrible than any man has a right to imagine accompanied the spray. I tell you truly, if you are trying to imagine these sounds, you are failing. Miserably. These sounds were no mere vibrations of the air, no, they tore the very fabric of my soul. These sounds were painful. So horribly, horribly painful. To tell you truly, I barely felt the spray of blood. And yet it happened. 
He looked down to his shirt and noted droplets of blood. Perhaps he had forgotten to wash himself of it.
And suddenly they were there. A little girl. And a dog. My first instinct was to tell her to run, to grab her mutt and get out of this place, but then she looked at me. If you disregard anything and everything I have told you up until now; remember this. The little girl looked at me....and any feeling of revulsion I had felt up to that point had multiplied beyond my imagining. I began vomiting on the spot. But her eyes. And...oh, god. That girl's eyes. They were merely eye sockets. She was missing eyes entirely, or so I thought. When I looked at those sockets directly, I was greeted with eyes so bloodshot that there was more red than white, with burning pupils darker than a black hole.
Why was he laughing? The twitch had gotten worse. Oh. It was really hard to see. He felt like he needed to vomit.
And she began crying. This cry I had heard before. This cry was present when the wild-eyed woman was being butchered in the shadows. This was one of the terrible sounds. Between the soul-jarring cry and uncontrollable vomiting it is hard to say what I saw for sure. But I knew that sound. It was the same cry. My vision blurred but I was sure of one thing; the mutt had begun howling with the girl.  This sound was present as well when that poor woman was being utterly destroyed. Out of pure, soul turning fear, I sprinted faster than I believed possible. As I looked back, I could see them. The girl was smiling widely with blood covered teeth, the skin on her face seemingly melting, the mutt's skin entirely gone. I was afraid they would give chase, but perhaps I turned and ran at the just the right time. I don't know. I kept running until I collapsed out of exhaustion. I am somewhere on the hawaiin islands and
 A sound behind him.
"Thank you for mentioning me."
There stood a little girl. And a dog.

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