Wednesday, September 17, 2014


In my life I have been sick.
Sick in the stomach
Sick in the heart
And sick in the mind.
This is not to say that I am crazy
Or perhaps I am
But lately I am sick.
Sick of the work.
Sick of the people.
Sick of the loneliness.
And sick of myself.
Before I get out of bed
Every day there is a battle in my head
"Do I get up, or do I give up?"
Lately the answer has been both.
There are days when I get up.
And I continue to get up.
But then there are other days.
Days where it is not worth limited energy I possess
Even if the day is indeed important
Sometimes I am blind and cannot see
The importance that is in front of me.
And so the days wear on and on
Some I get up and walk
Some I sleep and passively run.
Where this will take me I do not know
But eventually this sickness will go
And for that day I cannot wait
For then I can once again appreciate.

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