Sunday, September 21, 2014

"A Poem For a Friend"

To most readers this will make no sense
And I wish to recompense.
But I trust you all will be dapper gents
And let me add my two cents.
A poem for a friend.
And this is how it goes.
There is this bitch I know.
We call him a dirty hoe.
Because his very essence is the quintessence
Of being this hoe.
Some may call him a whore.
But this whore I so adore.
Because he makes
What is a custom side door, one may ask?
Hell if I know. I'm half drunk from whatever is in this flask.
So if you see this fat, ugly, bitch, elevator mechanic
Please be a dear and pay him in spades
He will likely be on rollerblades.
And if you love him forever more
Please ask about his custom side doors.
They are literally not a thing a merely a joke
But it makes me feel all warm and my...uh...
Christ. Too much flask.

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