Friday, October 10, 2014


Entry #56: Drifters
Ah, yes, the Drifter.
One of the many horrors of the world.
The Drifter is believed to be a demon.
The Drifter is unique in the fact that is has no set appearance.
Drifters can appear in the form of a human being, animal, object, anything. They can even be entirely invisible. This is what makes them such terrifying predators.
It appears everywhere and anywhere, drifting from victim to victim, retaining their genetic code, allowing the drifter to instantly return to past victims at will and sap their very life.
This genetic retention also allows The Drifter to simultaneously attack all victims at once.
Though this entity can appear anywhere and everywhere, it has a tendency to manifest in dreams and inside the human mind.
Perhaps the demon has found that tampering with the mind of men is the surest and quickest way to their fall, and in turn, the quickest and easiest way to the demon's meal.
Because of the fragility of the mind of men, Drifters tend to target those under large portions of stress or with particularly fragile minds.
The most notable and perhaps admirable feature of Drifters is persistence. Should a victim repel the demon, they will almost always drift back, seeking an opening.
They are relentless. And successful.
Man has little defense against a Drifter, except to be aware of their presence.
Be safe.
Be aware.
And beware The Drifters.

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