Monday, November 3, 2014

"Endless Pain; Brutal Resolve"

From the depths of our sorrow is the strike.
Preying upon our fears, our love, our hate.
Like a festering wound does it smoulder
Until our hearts grow colder, colder, colder.
The darkness in man lives and thrives
But it must not claim all our lives.
You may endure daily agony.
You may face emotional hardship and pain.
You may feel that every moment you live in a hurricane of acid rain
The acrid drops burning your flesh and mind and leaving nothing behind
In the world there is little mercy. Problems are difficult to solve.
And so I say to you, the troubled
You must find your Brutal Resolve.
Mountains weather but seldom fall
If a true mountain doth fall at all
This is the mountain's Brutal Resolve.
A boy lying in a bed and crying; thinking that he is close to dying.
But he looks at the ceiling with tear-stained eyes
And decides he will not stop fighting until he dies.
Nine months later after excruciating pain
He is wheeled down the halls in a chair.
Alive. Intact. The illness did not win, and that is a fact.
The boy had found his Brutal Resolve.
She stands there on the alter
Left alone and speechless
Her husband to be had left her there, alone
With little to do but to return home.
She finds her hubby-to-be at a local bar
Hanging on another woman in his brand-new car.
In the tub she sits with blades
Wondering if it is the end.
She cuts her wrist deep and fast
So she can be rid of the pain at last.
But as the blood flows through the tub
She clasps her wrist and shouts 'Enough!'
Her life was worth more than this man.
She must not die. She never can.
In the world there is something for her
Even if she cannot see
Though others had shown little mercy
Her life was hers; it had to be.
Though at one point she no longer wanted to be alive
She had found her Brutal Resolve. And she had survived.
And so I say to you, the few who live in darkness
Fight with all your power.
You are stronger than the black
Though it may be on the constant attack
You can and you will push it back.
Tomorrow it may cause pain
And come again, and again.
But this problem can be solved.
You must find your Brutal Resolve.

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