Thursday, January 29, 2015

"Published in College Art Magazine, Thank you!"

First and foremost to my readers and anyone out there that has seen my material I say
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
What started as an outlet for creative "juices" and cathartic "writing therapy" has turned into something else entirely.
When I was introduced to blogging, and I thought the very notion of it was ridiculous.
"Who would read something that I wrote? I have nothing interesting to say."
"Just write, Brian."
I had the above conversation with a professor at my college. Huh. Just write. Seems so simple.
Later, at my desk in my small dorm room in the middle of nowhere, I look upon the views and viewer map of those who visit this blog.
Someone actually read what I had posted; people have returned to read what I write.
Not only that, one of my writings is being published.
I would like to avoid repeating this often over-used saying (Ahem, Disney films), but there is no avoiding it.
But dreams really do come true.
Thank you.

Brian M. Coon
Author of various scribblings and student